
PHARE vocational training program initiative in 1998 In Lithuania, associations of teachers / trainers of vocational education institutions have been established, the goals of which are to help exchange the latest subject information, share pedagogical experience, and improve qualifications. In this way, teachers' associations in certain fields - electronics, automotive, foreign languages ​​and others - were established. 1999 December 17 The inaugural meeting took place at Vilnius Higher Technical School, where it was decided to establish the Republican Association of Economics Teachers. Irena Baublienė, a lecturer at Vilnius Higher Technical School, was elected the Chairman of the Board of the Association, and Laima Šapalienė, a lecturer at Vilnius Higher School of Economics, was elected Vice-Chair.

May 28, 2003 The general meeting of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers (LEDA) took place, where it was decided to resume activities and submit a request to the Ministry of Justice regarding the establishment of LEDOS as an independent public organization and the registration of its statutes.

June 16, 2003 The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania has registered an independent public organization - the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers.

February 14, 2004. The Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers operates in accordance with Article 18 of the Law on Associations of the Republic of Lithuania. Paragraph 2.


Our team

Business model - to communicate, to solve, to act.


President of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers. Economist, Master of Education with 42 years of pedagogical and 17 years of managerial experience.


Romantė Bučienė

President of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers. Economist, Master of Education with 42 years of pedagogical and 17 years of managerial experience.


The purpose of life is not measurable and limited in time. Only in continuous activity does a person improve, and the highest results are achieved when you do what you know best.

The motto of life - do not do to others what you would not want to do to you, be merciful, do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven, give and it will be given to you with a heap.







Head of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers Accountant. Economist, Master of Education with 36 years of pedagogical work and more than 20 years of accounting experience.

Laima Šapalienė

An Acoountant of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers. Accountant. Economist, Master of Education with 36 years of pedagogical and more than 20 years of accounting experience.

The most important thing in life is family and clean nature.

The most important values ​​are respect for others and honesty.

The motto of life - do not panic until nothing happened, when it happened do not panic, but remove the obstacles.






Auditor of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers. Financier, Master of Education with 30 years of pedagogical experience.



Olga Buckiūnienė

Auditor of the Lithuanian Association of Economics Teachers. Financier, Master of Education with 30 years of pedagogical experience.

The most important values ​​are diligence, responsibility, diligence, and the desire to improve.